An Interview for Go Podcast

It was such a pleasure to be interviewed by an incredibly talented art curator and the owner of Kefi Art Gallery Lisa Zhurkovskaya.

Please check out her Go Podcast featuring me and my works this week


Anastasia Fedorova is an award-winning Ukrainian Canadian painter. She creates beautiful multilayer oil paintings using the traditional Italian technique impasto. All of her multilayer oil paintings have a thick and rich texture. The main subjects of Anastasia’s oil paintings are conceptualized landscape, cityscape, and floral pieces. She usually starts her work from nature doing her Plein-airs outside in nature because the direct experience is very important to her. Anastasia won numerous International art awards and has a long history of solo and group exhibitions.

Anastasiia Fedorova

Ukrainian Canadian Fine Artist

Live Painting at Vancouver Fine Art Gallery


Virtual Exhibition “Nature`s Wonderland: Seeing, Feeling, Being“